Lakes Region Community College is proud to unveil its newly completed hospitality programs expansion, a project that was four years in the making.
Prior to 2020, the culinary and pastry arts, and hotel and restaurant management programs were offered at an off-campus location. In Fall 2018, after a structural issue made it impossible for the programs to return to their location at Canterbury Shaker Village, efforts began in earnest to permanently move all hospitality programs to campus. A grant from the Northern Borders Regional Commission, as well as multiple matching donations from local community partners, including Bank of NH, Cynthia Makris, NASWA Resort, Alan Beetle, Patrick’s Pub, and Tom and Fran Seigle, made possible the renovation of existing space on campus for two new, state-of-the art laboratory kitchens, a restaurant/meeting space, and a large food storage and refrigeration area.
“Having our hospitality programs on campus is a huge boost for the students in the programs, and also adds new energy to our college as a whole,” said Dr. Larissa Ruiz Baia, President of LRCC. “We are grateful for the community support that has made this possible, along with the hard work of our program faculty. We can’t wait to welcome the public into our teaching restaurant in the coming months.”
On December 9, LRCC hosted a reception to unveil the completed project. The Community Table restaurant will begin serving to the public in February of 2022.