The Community College System of New Hampshire (CCSNH) is excited to announce the first issue of “Community Magazine,” set to hit mailboxes across the state this month. Bursting with stories of ambition, dedication, and the pursuit of knowledge, this premier edition shines a spotlight on the System’s growing Early College programs, offering high school students the opportunity to dive into higher education while still in high school.

This first publication shares the journeys of ten remarkable students, each sharing their unique stories within the Early College initiative. From the sizzle of Culinary Arts to the sparks of Electrical Technologies, the nurturing embrace of Early Childhood Education to the boundless creativity of Graphic Design, and the compassionate calling of Nursing to the sturdy craftsmanship of Welding—this issue celebrates the diverse array of academic pathways available through CCSNH.

“Community Magazine” also extends its accolades to the esteemed faculty members and high school counselors who serve as steadfast support and collaborators in propelling these programs forward. CCSNH eagerly anticipates the evolution of “Community Magazine.” Future editions are poised to showcase an array of themes, amplifying the voices and achievements of community colleges throughout the region. From innovative initiatives to inspiring endeavors, each installment promises to captivate, inspire, and illuminate the boundless possibilities available through NH community colleges.

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