Where can I find a WorkReadyNH class?
WorkReadyNH classes are held at all Community College locations across New Hampshire
How do I enroll in a WorkReadyNH class?
Email or call a WorkReadyNH team member at the community college closest to you.
- Great Bay Community College: Portsmouth & Rochester
- [email protected]
- (603) 427-7636
- Lakes Region Community College: Laconia
- [email protected]
- (603) 271-6484 x 4426
- Manchester Community College: Manchester & Nashua
- [email protected]
- (603) 206-8180
- NHTI Concord’s Community College: Concord
- [email protected]
- (603) 271-6484 x 4426
- River Valley Community College: Claremont, Keene, & Lebanon
- [email protected]
- (603) 542-7744 x 5485
- White Mountain Community College: Berlin, Littleton, & N. Conway
- [email protected]
- (603) 342-3007
How will I practice soft skills during the WorkReadyNH class?
The WorkReadyNH class is an interactive course! From day one, participants form groups and get to work. Each group will work together to design a product or service that they will then present to the rest of the class. As a result, participants immediately put into practice the skills they are learning while receiving feedback from the instructor.
I have a degree and have been in the workforce for years. Will this program be beneficial for me?
The WorkReadyNH class is for everyone! Each class can be comprised of people who have earned a High School Equivalency Certificate to people with a PhD and everything in between. The skills practiced in the class are skills that always need refreshing. This class allows you to take the time to practice your areas of strength and improve areas of need.
Am I too old or too young for the class?
Just as the workforce in NH represents all ages, so does WorkReadyNH! The two largest age groups for participants are 51 to 60 and 18 to 30. The diversity in the age of participants creates an authentic experience for everyone. It is an opportunity for all participants to share their strengths, experience, and wisdom with the group.
Why do I need the National Career Readiness Certificate?
The NCRC complements other traditional credentials, such as a high school diploma, community college degree or certificate of technical proficiency. While these educational credentials mark the fulfillment of an individual’s classroom learning experiences, the Certificate confirms competence in a specific set of workplace skills.
Why should employers look for candidates who earned the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC)?
The evidence-based credential documents competence in essential work-related skills that are important across a wide range of jobs. Tied to an extensive database of career profiles, the NCRC is a reliable predictor of workplace success.
As an employer, how can I support the WorkReady NH program?
Employers can support this program in the following ways:
- Commit to offering an interview to every qualified job applicant who has earned a National Career Readiness Certificate.
- Participate in the soft-skills training by sending hiring managers or other personnel to be guest presenters, giving job-seekers a direct perspective on what recruiters are looking for and what makes a successful job applicant.
- Contact a member of the WorkReadyNH team at any of our community colleges to find out more.