CCSNH Colleges And Programs

Consent & Disclosure

If you are planning to conduct direct research with human participants your proposal must include either a disclosure statement or consent form. This is required in order to provide participants with a full understanding of their rights, support resources and contact information, research risks and benefits, and a general explanation of the procedures to be asked of participants.

The proposal must include a detailed explanation of how disclosure will be given or consent made. Certain language is required to be included in the disclosure or consent including a confidentiality statement regarding New Hampshire and Federal reporting laws:

I understand that my name or identity will not be used in reports or presentations of the findings of this research. The information provided to the researchers will be kept confidential with the exception of information which must be reported under New Hampshire and Federal law such as cases of child or elder abuse.

Investigators must offer a copy of the consent or disclosure to their participants, and should keep copies of signed forms in a locked cabinet or password protected file for three years after completion of the project.

What’s the difference between a consent and disclosure? If the research involves only survey, questionnaire or interview procedures where the participants will remain anonymous (no names given) and there is minimal or no risk in participation, a disclosure statement describing research procedures given to a participant may substitute for the consent form. A disclosure statement is not sufficient if participants are tape recorded, even if risks are minimal. A consent form is required for audio/video taping, research with vulnerable populations (minors, persons not competent to give informed consent), research that is not anonymous or research that presents more than minimal risk.

For more information on Consent procedures including specific elements of the consent form, please consult the IRB Procedures Manual.